Facebook Series: The Dream Effect (Part 1)

How Dreams Have Played Positive Roles in Dream Experts’ Lives: Through interviews with dream experts, Robert Waggoner, Tzivia Gover and Linda Mastrangelo, we will discuss how their lives have been affected by their dreams. With their stories, you can find ways that dreams can impact and guide you to your most authentic, creative, successful and joyful life. I am fortunate to know the guests as friends and colleagues, who are deeply committed to their personal growth and journeys in life. Hear their advice for fellow dreamers in the process of discerning their path. (Session One) A Conversation with Robert Waggoner:  This well-know author and dream expert shares his journey that led him to his [...]

Facebook Series: The Dream Effect (Part 2)

Join me as I walk you through chapters of my book Wake Up to Your Dreams: Transform Your Relationships, Career and Health While You Sleep. Continue your dream journey with me as you learn to understand and follow your dreams to your wisest, creative and authentic life. Setting Your Goal for Delving Into Dreams: Let's explore goals that you might choose for your dreamwork, in order to influence your relationships, careers, health and daily well-being. The Metaphorical and Symbolic Nature of Dreams: In this session, I share many ways that dreams are meaningful and important. We’ll look at the metaphorical and symbolic nature of dreams and how we use the [...]

It’s that time of year… NIGHTMARE season!

It’s that time of year… NIGHTMARE season! Even if you aren’t scared by the neighborhood ghosts and goblins this week, you might awake from a dream that feels even more tangible and terrifying!! Were you ever wakened by a nightmare that left you breathless or in tears of fright? Do you have recurring dreams that won’t go away? Have you ever awakened from an emotional dream packed with crazy images and wondered, “What was that about?!” Well, you’re not alone! Dreams in the form of nightmares come as a “wake-up” call. In the same way that recurring dreams annoy us, nightmares frighten us into taking action. Nightmares are neither good nor bad but are dreams [...]

Did You Leave One Gift Unopened?

Fellow Dreamers, I wrote this article in 2016 to welcome in the 2017 new year. While reading it again, I am struck that the message is the same today as it was when written. It is NOT too late to give yourself a gift in 2019. Get your dream journal and begin today to record your dreams. Read more for more thoughts on the topic… Christmas and Hanukah have been celebrated and hopefully you, like me, have many good new memories in your memory bank. You have a gift that you may not have opened yet. You may not have noticed, but it is waiting for you to open. The important gift is the wisdom [...]

A Lowcountry Christmas

Everything is abuzz here in our house. The Christmas Season is often chaos for most of us. How do we make it simpler, filled with peace and joy? After all, isn’t that the purpose of the season… to recognize the blessings and gifts in our life? My dreams are helping me. A couple of nights ago I had a nightmare. In the dream, my home was total chaos; nothing was as it should be. I called for help over and over, but no one seemed concerned or answered my pleas to make things right. It was up to me to solve the problems. It felt overwhelming. When I awoke, I knew that I had to [...]

Nightmare on Hilton Head Island

I love trees and always have! As a young child, I lived and played in forests for days on end. I felt protected and understood by my favorite trees, climbing up high to sit and view the situations below. When I was in High School, my father decided to have the forest behind our home thinned out for the well-being of the trees. I cried for days. I could not stand to see one life lost. As an adult, when I often saw bulldozers clearing land in Atlanta. I pulled the car over, got out and waved until the driver stopped. I yelled out “Why are you killing the trees?” They said they were told [...]

Living the Dream

As I await the birth of the first child of my eldest daughter, I realize that I’m living the dream. Dreams are magical, mystical and contain the nature of the universe that we do not understand – cannot fully understand. Births are much the same. It is beyond my human understanding as I watch while the baby prepares to enter this world. It all seems impossible, but it’s not! Dreams have taught me to believe in a way that expands my thoughts and, therefore, my life. I don’t question as often, but instead, embrace all that surrounds and is given to me. Recently I noted that presently I am remembering the essence of my dreams [...]


Resources From DreamSynergy. Questions & Answers For Students' Dream Research – Prepared by Betsy Grund, MEd (Click here for pdf) Students often contact us at the Institute for Dream Studies for answers to their questions about dreams as they relate to research projects. Betsy Grund, a graduate of the Institute for Dream Studies, prepared this helpful document with some of the students’ frequently asked questions. A special thanks to dreamer and friend Peter Van Every for sharing some of his beautiful photographs with DreamSynergy. www.vaneveryphotography.com

A Blank Slate in the New Year

Oh, my! It’s a new year and a blank slate to create your desires for 2015. What do you want to happen in the year ahead? It’s hard to achieve a goal that you don’t have. I encourage you to take 15 minutes today to make a list of how you would like 2015 to unfold. It’s much more likely you will find it happening if you write about it in your journal. (Hopefully, you have a journal by now!) There is a big difference between thinking about something and writing it down. Writing brings it closer to reality. If we just toss it around in our thoughts, we really don’t move the thoughts forward. [...]

FAQ / Resources

FAQ Answers from Dream Expert Justina Lasley. Why should I care about my dreams? Dreams contain the truths that you need for healthy living. They contain the reality of our human existence — interweaving your past, your present and your future. Dreams originate in your unconscious and provide you with information that is not otherwise accessible through your waking consciousness. If you want to understand your life, your emotions, your talents and your relationships fully, the dream is an excellent teacher! Listen up to reach your full potential! I don’t dream. What does that mean? It means you don’t remember your dreams! As humans, we all dream 5-6 dreams a night. Yes, [...]

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